Playing some Dinkum, went to sleep and woke up in the void.
Video Games
Posts related to Video Games.
Any game that lets me mulch people is a winner in my book.
Looking for Love?
Well, of course I pushed it.
You can’t put a button in front of my face that says DO NOT PUSH and expect me not to push it.
Junk in the Trunk
The only car available in the area that wasn’t on fire was this four seater, but little did I know, a secret fifth seat existed!
Pentakill Teemo?
Finally scored a pentakill as Teemo. It was in URF Mode and a KS’d a couple, but who cares right?

Crew Members!
Meet the crew of the U.S.S. Raft. Carl and LLAMA!

U.S.S. Raft
At what point does it stop being a raft?

I was told this was safe.
Just doing my part for the environment by chucking my batteries into the ocean.