I recently purchased a Creality Ender 3 Pro and had been looking for a drybox for filament I wasn’t going to use all the time, could store multiple rolls and could be scaled up or down to different size totes. I was never able to find anything I really loved so I started working on my own.
This is basically a rough draft dump of the parts needed. Eventually, I will make a full post with measurements and such. It will also be uploaded to Thingiverse, but for those who want a sneak peak, here you go.
Parts for the Tote Shown:
- Drybox Parts
- 3 x Roller
- 2 x Pedestal
- 2 x Wall Mount
- 6 x Cap
- 3 x Interior Passthrough
- 3 x Exterior Passthrough
- 6 x 608 Bearings
- 12 x M4 .70x 35mm Bolts
- 12 x M4 x 8mm x 6mm Embedment Nuts
- 18 x M4 .70x 10mm Bolts
- 18 x M4 .70x Nut
- IKEA Samla 6gal Tote
- IKEA Samla Lid
- 3 x PC4-M6 Pneumatic Fittings
I have linked some parts. These aren’t necessarily the exact parts but they are close. I got all the M4 bolts and nuts at my local hardware store. The embedment nuts I got from a kit.
I will have better instructions as I finish documenting everything. I mocked everything before marking my holes with double sided tape or hot glue. If you have to make longer rollers, it just needs to be a bar that’s 8mm in diameter. You can also cheat and just use pieces of dowel rod. The embedment nuts push into the bottom of the pedestal and wall mounts.